
501Works 2023 AMS/CRM Systems Selection Survey Results

Find out what over 241 of your peers really think about the AMS/CRM selection process!

The first look at the results are now available!


August 8th

When associations adopt innovative technology, it’s not just the system that’s changing; your staff needs to change too. But why is it so hard to initiate change in your organization especially when introducing digital transformation?

How Generative AI Can Impact Your Events

September 5th

See the potential of generative AI and large language models (LLMs) to transform your meetings and events. This webinar explores cutting-edge AI technologies that enhance event planning, boost attendee acquisition, exhibit and sponsorship sales, and provide actionable insights to your event teams. Learn how AI can be used to measure audience gaps, sales targets, and surface marketing targets – at the click of a button.

Searching for a new AMS-CRM System?

As you conduct your AMS/CRM search, you are likely to view basic demos from several vendors to see which appeal to you. Keeping all the solutions, features and your thoughts organized can be tough.  Download our Demo Tracker to easily track the solutions you have seen and stay organized or check out all our selection resources

Our Products:

Right Data, Right Place, Right Time

mojo middleware video
Play Video about mojo middleware video

Mojo Middleware™ is specialized software that sits between and integrates applications. Mojo forms a bridge that enables your software application ecosystem to talk to each other and share key information such as membership, contact and transactional data.

Our focus is to get the RIGHT data to the RIGHT application at the RIGHT time to enhance value for your staff and members.

If software selection is NOT in your bag of tricks...

Software Mage helps you navigate the Association Management System (AMS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system selection process with tools to gather requirements, draft your RFP, and evaluate vendor responses.